Tax Filing Milestones - February and March

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Tax Filing Milestones - February and March

It’s that time of year. Mark your calendar for these important tax filing milestones:

In February

Feb 1:     Apply for OAS 2024 – the earliest you can apply is 11 months before you want the OAS to start, use form SC ISP-3550E

Feb 7:     KB CE Summit: Advanced T1 Tax Update, Society of RWM Round Table

Feb 16:   KB Specialized Credentials – Spring Semester Begins

Feb 20:   CCB Payment

Feb 24:   CPP, OAS, GIS benefits payment date.

Feb 27:   Canada Veterans’ Disability Benefit payment date

Feb 28:   T4, T4A, T5 Slip filing deadline, receive enrollment notice if RRSP LLP withdrawal made in the prior year. 

Assemble self-reported casual income: tips, casual employment, no-slip interest income, receipts for discretionary deductions and credits

In March

Mar 1:     RRSP contribution deadline

Mar 15:   Quarterly tax instalment deadline

Mar 20:   CCB Payment

Mar 29:   CPP, OAS, GIS benefits payment date

Mar 30:   Canada Veterans’ Disability Benefit payment date

Mar 31:   Tax filing due date for trusts with Dec. 31 year end, T3 slips due, File Form T1-OVP for Excess RRSP, PRPP, SPP Contributions

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