

 ANCOP International Canada, Inc. is a duly registered Canadian charity dedicated to uplift the lives of poor families in developing countries through shelter, child education, and humanitarian relief. We aim to restore the poor’s hope and dignity, organizing them into sustainable and self-reliant communities through livelihood assistance, values formation, and community empowerment.
Currently we operate in the Philippines, India, Indonesia and several countries in Africa including Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Uganda. We are primarily supported by donation from individuals, groups, and corporate partners.
ANCOP, an acronym for “Answer the Cry Of the Poor”, is a non-profit founded by Couples for Christ (CFC).  CFC is a global lay organization recognized by Vatican for its work on the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life and values. It is present in over 100 countries around the world.


Our Vision:
In bringing Christ’s transforming love to the poor, ANCOP Canada envisions “A poor child and family blessed, and a blessing to transformed communities.”
A world where the poor is embraced and cared for
A world where every child is formed to be caring and loving, and responsible citizen
A world where children and communities improve their well-being, and
A world where the joy of Christ’s transforming love is experienced and fulfilled

Key Result Areas:
To achieve its strategic goals, and move toward realizing the organization’s longer term vision of success, ANCOP Canada has the following Key Result Areas:
Excellent Programs for the Poor
Enthusiastic Couples for Christ (CFC) Participation
Responsive Partnerships
Effective Marketing Communications
Effective Governance